Monday, March 12, 2012

My husband's recent furniture adventure

My husband built this dresser completely from scratch.  He planed all of the wood himself and designed the dresser himself.  He's so creative.  Hee, hee!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

There's no place like home...Thank God!

I don't have any crafts to show you tonight.  I actually just want to tell you a story I was reminded of while doing introductions in my online World Literature class.

I am from Liberal, Kansas, as you may very well know.  And I say this because I currently have two followers and you both know what I'm talking about.  My first job was to be a tour guide at the Coronado/Dorothy's House Museum.  (My name didn't make the Dorothy wall which I'm still quite bitter about.)  To be a Dorothy tour guide one must wear a blue gingham dress and red shoes.  You had to dress like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.  The little kids loved it.  Anyway, I'm driving to my very first day of my very first "real" job.  As I'm heading down main street, doing the speed limit of course, I suddenly notice a dog running as fast as he can INTO traffic.  I slammed on my brakes and held the car steady.  Unfortunately, the timing was all wrong and I hit the pooch.  Not knowing what to do because it was also my first car/animal encounter, I decided to pull into the SRS parking lot and go in to get help.  YES, I get out of my car, dressed as Dorothy, after hitting what I'm sure people referred to as "Toto" after the incident.

Well the poor animal was lifeless on the road.  A group of men ran out and grabbed it.  I'll never know if it survived the accident, but odds are he met his puppy maker that day!  Poor guy. 

The irony of what happened is really to funny not to share, so there you have it.  I'm not the greatest story teller and am tired, so I hope you can appreciate the story for its content and not the delivery!

Happy days!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have done it!  Finally!  And just in time for school.  I made another laptop bag last night and this time my laptop actually fits.  I still need to make a strap for it, but for now I'll use the strap from the other bag.

Today is the first day of school at Kennesaw State University, so unfortunately my craft time will now be very limited.  I hope I can continue to bring you pictures of my crafting adventures.  For now, I wish you pleasant days!  Tata for now!

Laptop Bag

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The rest of the story...

Here is the bag with the strap. Those are some mighty big clasps, but they were all I could find. Bummer!

Ok, I had a picture of the entire bag on here, but apparently my phone decided to change it to something else.  UGH!  This is why I don't blog.  Cheese & Rice!!!!!!!!
Ok, here it is. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Laptop bag...or not

Here is the laptop bag that I made last night.  I was up until midnight making the darn thing and what do you excellent measuring skills have crept in and altered the use of yet another project.  Its still cute, but my laptop definitely won't fit.  I guess I'll use it as a general bag or a book bag.  One day, hopefully, my measuring will get better.  Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Still playing catch up. Are your arms tired?

First and second pic are my first attempt at making a bag.  Turned out cute, but only functional for storage.  hee, hee

My "I (heart) Zombies" stencil!  I love it.  Stenciled this sucker onto a purse!  Oh it was a purse that had a super short strap.  Enjoy carrying that little runt around!  hahahaha!

Let's Play Catch Up...Shall We?

I'm going to start adding pictures.  They are past projects that I've already done.  I'll have to go back later when I have more time and add some descriptions.  As for now, enjoy figuring it all out.  You're welcome!  Oh and let's keep the dirty mirror and horrendous wallpaper comments to ourselves, mkay?

Ok I made it back to add some descriptions.  Hope you don't mind.

This first picture is a dress I made using a t-shirt (top part) and an old dress I had hanging in my closet (bottom part).  I was quite proud of this little number.  I probably won't wear it again though!!  I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt chick!

The picture is backward.  It is a t-shirt I picked up at Goodwill.  Says AC SLATER!  YES!  Saved by the Bell in action folks.  This shirt was about 5 times too big for me.  I sized it down and pleated the top.  The straps are actually my bra.  I love this one!

This is my very first freezer paper stencil.  If I could figure out how to rotate these stupid pictures, I would.  But unfortunately you are stuck having to cock your head sideways to view them.  Sorry!
DEETHO!  My second freezer paper stencil of my sister's dog.  I had a picture of him saved on my computer so I used Photoshop to turn it into a stencil.  He is now a pillow!  AW!